Episode 9 | The time I thought I was going to die of a couscous overdose
Cross-cultural surprises

It's not always easy to say no when, full of good intentions, someone pushes you to eat more and more!
The relationship with food (and weight!) is not always the same around the world. Eating yes, showing respect and gratitude yes, but sometimes that means paying the price in the form of indigestion! It's up to you to find the right balance, and that's not always easy.
I'll tell you about it in this episode, as 2023 draws to a close, I invite you to discover and support the NGO Konstelacio of which I am the founder. Since 2011, we've been educating children and teenagers about peace and dialogue between cultures, and this... I think it speaks to you 😉
What's more, your donations are 66% tax-deductible!
Click here to discover our actions: https://www.konstelacio.org
And here to make a donation (or in the "Support us" section of the site): https://www.konstelacio.org/nous-soutenir
Whether you're an expat, a traveller or just curious about cultures and diversity, this podcast is for you!
Intercultural Surprises is THE podcast that takes you on a journey to a better understanding of the world's cultures.
🎤 I'm Charlotte Courtois, lecturer in cultural diversity and founder of the NGO Konstelacio, which educates children around the world about dialogue between cultures.
To find out more about who I am and what I do, for a collaboration or to contact me and tell me your own travel anecdotes, take a look at:
👉 My website : www.charlotte-courtois.com
👉 Konstelacio's : www.konstelacio.org
👉 The podcast Insta : www.instagram.com/surprisesinterculturelles
👉 My LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/chacourtois