On the pride of being the recipient of the 'Artisans of a More Human World' Award

On Monday, March 27, 2023, I was trembling with emotion as I climbed the (narrow!) steps that lead to the stage of the magnificent Théâtre de l'Atelier in Paris.

In front of 300 people, in an incredible setting, invited by the equally incredible UP for Humanness association, I received the 'Artisans of a More Humane World' Trophy from the hands of the inspiring Aude de Thuin.

This trophy is a recognition of my 12-year commitment with Konstelacio to educate on peace and intercultural dialogue.

It was hard to hold back tears of emotion throughout the evening, witnessing the moving testimonies and the dedicated journeys of the winners, artists, and speakers.

It was also difficult to hold back tears every time I thought, 'I belong among all these extraordinary people!' (Hello imposter syndrome!)

I want to tip my hat very low to all these individuals.

Congratulations and thank you to UP for Humanness, Diane d'Audiffret, Thibaut Despierres, and the entire team for what they do to make this world more humane and for encouraging us to do the same.

Bravo and thanks to Guénaelle Beauvois from La Maison de Nicodème, Emmanuelle Duthu from Orchestre-Atelier Ostinato, Joël Faguet from Entreprendre et Cancer, Aurélia Sellier from What Dance Can Do, and Road to Recovery. Their backgrounds and commitment encourage and guide me.

And what a pride it is to receive my trophy from the hands of Aude de Thuin, founder of Women in Africa and creator of the Women's Forum for the Economy and Society (among so many other engagements!). I am deeply grateful for her support and the vulnerability she shared, which gives me even more strength to embrace my own.

A special nod to Alexandre Maymat, Director of Global Transaction & Payment Services at Société Générale. His speech resonated with me as if it were self-evident. The values we carry are the same, even though they use different paths. There is no performance in a company without the possibility of being oneself.

This evening was the embodiment of what happens when each person does things with passion, conviction, and empathy.

I'm proud and grateful to be the recipient of this beautiful trophy.

Together, we are stronger, especially when it comes to supporting the weaker.


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