On overcoming fear

I'm scared.


Actually, almost all the time...

Scared of not being up to the task in general, afraid that things won't go as planned (let's be realistic, it's rarely the case), afraid of looking foolish, afraid of not having anticipated everything, afraid of disappointing.


But I am incredibly lucky. I am so driven by the cause I stand for that I can't help but dive in anyway. Impossible for me to accept the idea that something that could be great might not happen. Impossible for me to say, 'Oh yes, that could be a magical project to do! But well, oh well, no, never mind.'

👉 This is how I brought 6 musicians, an illustrator, a director, and a sound engineer with me to meet 1300 children in France, India, and Tunisia.

👉 This is how I put together a major application for Konstelacio to be accredited by UNESCO.

👉 This is how I started teaching in schools even though I had no training in pedagogy.

👉 This is how I met Jack Lang (former French Minister of Culture) and asked him to host an event for 400 people at the Institute of the Arab World.

👉 This is how I wrote a children's book...

The list goes on!

Nelson Mandela said that courage is not the absence of fear but the triumph over it. I think it says it all.

I'm an anxious person. But I also realize that generally, when I feel stressed, it is because I am stepping out of my comfort zone, and that's usually a good sign!

What about you, when was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone?

PS: Here, I'm only talking to you about what scares me and what I've still managed to achieve in my professional life. I'm not even mentioning my personal life... but the photo gives you a little idea of what it can be like – Skydiving over the Great Ocean Road in Australia before hitchhiking 1000km in 5 days, all alone, from Melbourne to Adelaide.



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