Pinpoint in my professional life

It was 5 years ago...

My book 'The Fabulous Journey of Arwenn' was released in bookstores, and we celebrated with a wonderful event at the Institute of the Arab World.

📍 Pinpoint

That's what we call key moments in our lives. This was undeniably a pinpoint in my life.

Thanks to government support, I was able to be an employee of my NGO, Konstelacio, for the first time and for two years, which allowed me to develop the association's first large-scale project: Lyra.

I went from working alone to managing a multicultural team of 9 people, most of them artists.

🌍 Lyra’s team consists of 6 traditional musicians from France (Brittany), India, and Tunisia, an illustrator, a director, a sound engineer, and a coordinator and storyteller (#hiitsme).

Together, we met 1300 children in the 3 countries to promote intercultural dialogue and traditional music, in schools, orphanages, hospitals... these workshops revolving around a story that I imagined, 'The Fabulous Journey of Arwenn.'

This oral tale has been turned into a CD book.
Beautifully illustrated by Izou.
Narrated by Konstelacio's godmother, the wonderful Bérénice Bejo.
Published by Editions des Braques.
Our publisher's best-seller!

5 years ago, my book was released in bookshops.
And 5 years ago, to celebrate the occasion, I organized a wonderful event at the Institut du Monde Arabe, with all our lovely team, welcomed in style by Mr. Jack Lang, with 400 people in attendance. A look back in images and words at this crazy project, an Indo-Tunisian-Breton concert, an exhibition of the book's original plates and a cocktail party.

It was absolutely magical.

A key moment in my professional life.

📍 What about you, what are the pinpoints in your life?


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