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"Unity, not uniformity, must be our goal. Unity can only be achieved through variety. Differences must be integrated, not annihilated, not absorbed"
- Parker Follett
Conférence TEDx
« Eduquer au dialogue interculturel pour promouvoir la paix »
Paris, France
Round-table discussion
« Building a Peace generation in Europe to create a society with zero war and zero violence »
Grameen Creative Lab with Pr. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize, Germany
« Meet the Entrepreneur »
Neoma Business School, France
Keynote speaker
« Public Pedagogies Conference »
On "The role of public pedagogies in transmitting intangible cultural heritage and promoting dialogue between cultures" University of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
Round-table discussion
« Cultural heritage: challenges and issues »
International Festival of Cultural Heritage, Fez, Morocco
« Promoting intercultural dialogue through our musical heritage »
Arab World Institute, Paris, France
« Cultural diversity and dialogue »
For the French Foreign Union, Cairo, Egypt
Conference and debate
« Tolerance and cultural and ethnic diversity »
At the French Alliance, Sydney, Australia
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Draw conference
Draw conference
with sketchnote specialist Eric Simon
Played conference
Played conference
with escape game specialist « L’Échappée ludique »
Musical conference
Musical conference
with Indian singer Parveen Sabrina Khan
Cooked conference
Cooked conference
with Mexican chef Silvia Flores
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