Guest appearance by Bérénice Bejo on RTL's Le Journal Inattendu

Last Thursday, I received a voicemail from actress Bérénice Bejo:
"I'm on RTL Saturday in Le Journal Inattendu. They're asking me to invite someone. Would you like to?"
What a surprise and what an honor!
To give you some context, Bérénice Bejo is the godmother of Konstelaciothe NGO I founded nearly 14 years ago, dedicated topeace education and intercultural dialogue. She is also the narrator of my children's CD book "Le Fabuleux Voyage d'Arwenn".
This invitation reflects our shared values: curiosity, wonder, openness and hope. These are the values that drive us and that we seek to convey through our projects.
As the icing on the cake, Matthieu Chedid joined us by telephone, directly from his tree house.
If you fancy a moment of positivity and inspiration, I invite you to listen to the replay.
I'd like to express my gratitude to Bérénice, Nathalie and the RTL team for this wonderful opportunity to fly the flag for cultural diversity.
🎤 I am Charlotte Courtoisa lecturer in intercultural management and founder of the NGO Konstelacio and creator of the Surprises Interculturelles podcast.
If you're wondering how to develop your teams' intercultural skills, send me a message, I'll be happy to help!