What I truly wish for you in 2023...

🎇 To have your heart as filled as mine when a former student reaches out to me, years later, to say that the diversity awareness workshops conducted with Konstelacio had a positive impact on their life.

🎇 To have as many stars in your eyes as I do when I see my students so proud to have interviewed their parents, grandparents, neighbors... to share their family recipes with the world.

🎇 To have your taste buds dance as much as mine do when I taste a Moroccan chicken pastilla, a Lebanese man'oushe, an Italian cheese focaccia for the first time.

🎇 To feel the same pride I do when I see my employees grow more confident in their roles.

🎇 To have as much gratitude as I do when I see the community that supports me (and us), when I see their encouragement and their faith in my (and our) ability to change the world.

🎇 To have a desire as wild as mine to infuse positivity into the minds and hearts of the human beings, young and old, who inhabit our beautiful planet.

My NGO, Konstelacio, my professional life, this freedom, all these emotions, they come with a price which is not always easy to pay, but what an incredible return on investment! (That's the business version.)

Raaaah, but what a thrill! (That's the gut feeling version!)

⭐ Wishing you a beautiful 2023! ⭐

📷 by Simon Guyomard


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