CSR and Socialwashing… or not!

CSR and Socialwashing… or not!

CSR and socialwashing... or not! CSR and corporate philanthropy are all about giving your company a good image, but let's face it, it's just for show! Not so sure! I've been interested in these subjects since my days on the benches of NEOMA Business School. And I...
What I truly wish for you in 2023...

What I truly wish for you in 2023...

What I really wish for you in 2023... 🎇 To have a heart as excited as mine when I have a former student get back to me, years later, to tell me that the diversity awareness workshops conducted with Konstelacio have had a positive impact on...
On overcoming fear

On overcoming fear

The ability to overcome fear I'm afraid. Often... Almost all the time in fact... Fear of not measuring up generally, fear that things won't go as planned (let's face it, they rarely do), fear of having...
On The Value of Storytelling in Society

On The Value of Storytelling in Society

The value of storytelling in society How about the value of storytelling in society? I'd like to share with you some of what we've learned from my NGO Konstelacio's Lyra project around...
Pinpoint in my professional life

Pinpoint in my professional life

Pinpoint in my professional life It was 5 years ago... My book "Le fabuleux voyage d'Arwenn" was coming out in bookstores and we were celebrating with a wonderful event at the Institut du Monde Arabe. 📍 Pinpoint It's like this...